Microsoft WorldWide Telescope is pretty cool

So I saw a story on the newspaper from Portage, Indiana today about a Microsoft telescope.  I was a little skeptical- if know know me, you already knew I would be.  So, I click thru and find out it's pretty darn cool. 


Click thru below and look around, then go ahead and download their stuff.  I need to spend some more time on it, it is a bit dizzying when it navigates around.  I am sure that is just user generated issues and that as I explore and learn more of it, I won't get so dizzy flying around the universe.


Make sure to watch the tour about black holes, pretty cool pictures and some history about them.  We often times have dinner conversations about the future of space travel and how to do it, worm holes.  Off to see if they have footage of those.



WorldWide Telescope

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