It ain't Mother's Day without a trip to the ER

At least it only took 2 hours. Arrive, wait, triage, wait, xray, wait,moved to cubicle, wait, see admitting guy, wait, see nurse, wait, see doctor, wait, see cast guy, wait, see nurse, go home.


Jack hurt her ankle on air today at the zoo while walking downhill.  Torn and pulled ligaments in her ankle.  Splint and crutches for a few days.




Pardon the quality of the image, but not bad cell phone pic, eh?  Notice the silver toenails please, she just did them today.

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 ISV White Paper now available

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It seems like only months ago when we worked on this white paper. Jut kidding- well, it really was months ago. But I guess the bigger the organization the longer some things take. No matter, here it is a...
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Microsoft WorldWide Telescope is pretty cool

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So I saw a story on the newspaper from Portage, Indiana today about a Microsoft telescope. I was a little skeptical- if know know me, you already knew I would be. So, I click thru and find out it's pretty...



That air can be tricky stuff.. especially when it gets thin...

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