pre- Microsoft focus group today in Denver

This morning I am taking part in a Microsoft focus group in Denver- I think it will be about some Internet security software for my kids. 


Sounds interesting.  We will be compensated with software, a big long list to choose from.  Since I have my MSDN partner subscription I will probable just pick something to give away at my user group or to one of the kids' schools.  We'll see.


I received instructions with my email confirmation and someone must have told them I hate my old lady glasses, cause there was a specific instruction that said, bring your reading glasses if you need them.  :(


Check back later for an update.

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Netflix gadget? how cool- but.....

Apr 23
When I see the word gadget, especially on a Microsoft site like I think Vista desktop gadget. Don't you? So when I saw the headline today that said "Netflix coming to gadgets" I was thinking- how cool is that?...
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Microsoft Focus group- the day after

Apr 29
was not a waste of time scored cool software for my user group hope the ideas of the group are passed along, we shared some cool stuff And that's all you get, I signed ANOTHER NDA. (should I just FedEx...


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