Microsoft Focus group- the day after

  • was not a waste of time
  • scored cool software for my user group
  • hope the ideas of the group are passed along, we shared some cool stuff

And that's all you get, I signed ANOTHER NDA.  (should I just FedEx my first born already and get it over with?)

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pre- Microsoft focus group today in Denver

Apr 28
This morning I am taking part in a Microsoft focus group in Denver- I think it will be about some Internet security software for my kids. Sounds interesting. We will be compensated with software, a big long list to choose...
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See why kids need cell phones?

May 1
I get a lot of flack because both my kids have cell phones. And have for a few years. They have them for my convenience and for emergencies. Obviously, mostly for my convenience. So far we've had one honest to...


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