COS Launch HUGE success!
Thanks to all who attended but also to all that helped plan this event. Who knew we could ever get 150 people (150!!!) to attend an IT event in COS like that?!?!? From my experience in attending and planning such things, it may very well have been the largest one yet!
We had a few ups/downs to be honest, but at the end of the day nothing but smiles and compliments. I woke up Friday morning to a speaker that was too sick to come give his two talks, so there was some scrambling to fill his spots (thank you Dom!). I should have built a little bit more fluff time in the schedule, the last sessions seemed to be too short because they had to start late.
What went well.....people. HOLY COW. How cool of our community to show up in force like that. The speakers were great. We had 2 MS Regional Directors to present (thanks Scott Golightly and Steve Milroy), we had dueling laptops in a LINQ presentation (awesome job Ben Hoelting and Eric Johnson, hope you get to take this talk on the road), Dave Milner had a practically full room for his intro talk, josh Jones had to speed thru his Data Encryption talk, but I still got nothing but compliments on it and Dom Aguilar came from MS Denver office to save the day when our Windows server speaker got sick and he covered TWO talks for us.
We had loads and loads of swag, several thousand dollars worth. It was great. We had super heroes in capes to deliver the giveaways from our drawings (the theme given to us was Community Heroes).
Compassion International was a very welcoming host (so much so that I figured I'd go for broke and ask to hold our fall Code Camp there, got a "yes" watch for details to emerge).
I think we managed to get all attendees to sign our Heroes poster, it will be hand delivered to Steve Ballmer at the MVP summit, along with his very own red cape. (if this makes no sense to you, let me know, I'll tell you the story, it almost makes sense)
Thanks again to all that helped and all that came out.
Superheroes waiting for the stage to start some giveaways at the keynote
SuperJosh, SuperBen and SuperEric
The battle of good vs evil over Wonder Woman, I have it on good authority that look of fear on her face was pretty genuine.