Tech Ed 2008 Birds of a Feather selection time

I am assuming you ALL know what Tech Ed is (clicky)...and also assuming many have attended.  There has been a spilt to have developer week and ITpro week (totally bad idea for those of us that are hybrids of both and have a life outside of work).  I plan to go to dev week.


Birds of a Feather.  Great chance for attendees to define content.  Link here to review the sessions and vote (go VOTE silly).  I signed up to help host/run a few, so I hope to see you there!

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PSA- You should THANK someone that doesn't kill your kid, not argue with them

Mar 12
Ok, totally non-tech related, but still valuable nonetheless, I promise. Public service announcement follows. I am taking kid #2 to physical therapy this afternoon. I am pulling into a parking spot directly in front of the PT clinic. I am...
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New laptop- day 1/2

Mar 30
My Dell has been going flaky on me. I have been a Dell fan for a while. I have a desktop and a laptop that I use everyday as my own and it was time to replace the laptop. I...


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