PSA- You should THANK someone that doesn't kill your kid, not argue with them

Ok, totally non-tech related, but still valuable nonetheless, I promise.  Public service announcement follows.


I am taking kid #2 to physical therapy this afternoon.  I am pulling into a parking spot directly in front of the PT clinic.  I am not in any way driving recklessly or unsafe in any way shape or form.


As I enter the space, the parked minivan in the space next to my intended space has its rear door fly open and a 5 yr old (ish) kid flies right out, not looking at all.  I came THIS close to hitting him.  Still not quite sure why I didn't.


Phew, didn't hit him.  We park and get out of our car.  Then I see what looks like Grandpa exit van on other side.  I felt I needed to tell him kid needed a refresher in "don't run in front of moving cars" lesson.  (not even thinking about the "grandpa needs to pay attention lesson).


Julie:  Excuse me, sir?

Grandpa:  Uh, yea?

J:  That young man that just got out of your van, he ran out in front of me when I was pulling into my parking space.  I wanted to let you know so you could talk with him again about the dangers of running around moving cars.


G:  Wow, that was a while ago.   (um, like 40 seconds maybe)


J:  No, it happened just now.


G:  Were you sitting in your car for a while then?


J:  Well, not really.  But, he ran out in front of my car and I am worried he could get hurt next time.


G:  How long did you wait to come talk to me?


J:  I'm not sure, but it just happened and I wanted to make sure someone knew it was time for a refresher in parking lot safety.


Then I walked on to our appointment.


So, moral of the story is two-fold....


1.  Make sure kids of all ages/sizes know to not run in parking lots, look for cars, etc.


2.  Make sure if your kids are left in the care of anyone, make sure they pay attention!


PSA over, thank you for listening.

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