New laptop- day 1/2
My Dell has been going flaky on me. I have been a Dell fan for a while. I have a desktop and a laptop that I use everyday as my own and it was time to replace the laptop. I think there needs to be some hardware repair (graphics card, space bar, touchpad and motherboard is my guess) and the whole she-bang rebuilt. I have been abusing this particular laptop for over a year now so it was just time.
The Lenovo arrived while I was out of town. I have never had a Think Pad before, never been a fan of the dang pencil eraser. This one has the touchpad I need. My wonderful husband ordered it for me with some cool bells and whistles, but also with the version of Windows I will use already installed (I always just blow away and rebuild a new laptop, don't you?).
Why day 1/2? Because all of the other install discs are on my desk at the office, not home. So Office, Visual Studio, etc will have to be installed tomorrow, so all I can do now is some basic browsing and playing to see if I like it.
The graphics are amazing, very pretty, and crisp.
So, not sure I can really count day 1 just yet. So, look for day 1 officially around Tuesday or so. :-)