Scrum master class- the night before

So, first I now realize I am a hotel snob.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with the hotel I am staying at, but I find myself wishing for the better pillows, bigger TV and the name brand hair products.  Anyone know of a "swanky" hotel in Boulder or am I nuts for wishing for such a thing?


Ok, now that it has been established that I am a hotel snob, the reason for being in Boulder.  Scrum master class.  I have been project-managing for a gazillion years.  We don't have to actually count those years, but many many of them.  I have been project managing in the software world for several years.  From what I have read, the scrum process is very similar to how I manage now anyway- just more defined and some different names.


For me, the next 2 days will be about putting names to the things I already do- and rounding out the edges of the scrum process.


I will be back tomorrow to see if I still have the same opinions.  : -)

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