one of the differences between women and men in the workplace- hmmmm
Throughout the year, I wind up at my fair share of conferences. Most of these are technology based and take place during standard M-F "workday" times. The majority of the attendees at such events are men. No big deal, I chose this field, I am comfortable and confident, blah blah blah.
I am getting more and more involved in women's groups. They plan their conferences on the weekends. Why?
I am sure part of it is women, as a group, tend to be more "pleasers" and if things are planned outside of work time, even if work related, the apple cart is not very upset. We, as a group, tend to be less aggressive about what is right for us and our careers. And when we are, we are called derogatory names. What a shame.
Not sure I have much of a point here, just a hmmmmmm.
Could it also be that women plan conferences on the weekends to accommodate childcare difficulties? When I travel for work during the week, I have to make all sorts of alternate arrangements for my young children...when I travel on the weekend, my husband can handle them b/c he is not in the office. Just a thought.
Posted by: Ami | May 02, 2008 at 10:05 AM