COS Community Launch 2008 VS 2008, SQL 2008 and Windows Server 2008 is set!

We finalized some more detail and have opened registration here.  Event is FREE, but please register so we get a good head count to make sure we can take care of all of you.


We are still working on some final items, but we have already lined up some great speakers (so far confirmed Steve Milroy, Leon Harris, Ben Hoelting, Dave Milner and Eric Johnson and a few more "maybes" out there).


We, SouthColorado.NET are partnering with SpringsSQL and the newly formed Colorado Springs Windows group for this event.


More details to come, but as always we expect a great event with loads of content from some pretty smart people.

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Colorado caucus- how fun

Feb 6
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Seeking an XNA expert!

Feb 21
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