Colorado caucus- how fun

Yes, I said it was FUN.  It was my first caucus and I love the down to earth community aspect of it all.  For my precinct I was told last caucus has 4 (yes, FOUR) people showed up.  Last night, we had 50-plus.  How totally awesome is that?


We had "business" to tend to, needed volunteers for this and that.  I agreed to be a "teller", which translates to "vote counter".   There were 3 of us and it was great to work with some wonderful politically aware women.


The short of it is- our precinct went for Romney, overwhelmingly so.  McCain and Huckabee made a showing, not quite embarrassing, but certainly did not give Romney a run for his money.  I am an alternate delegate to our county convention.  I would have loved to be a state and then federal delegate, but one of the Dave's was chosen instead (there were 4 different Dave's that threw their names into the ring).  I will continue to be aware and involved and maybe next time I'll go.  :)


How did your Super Tuesday go?

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