Is this really big brother Microsoft?

Story here about a new patent application submitted by Microsoft.  Basically a software application that not only monitors the work people are doing on their computers but offers help when "needed" and keeps tabs on performers and slackers.


First thing that comes to mind, do they actually plan to USE it or do they just plan to patent it and hold the patent.  I'd imagine MS owns a gazillion patents and does not utilize most of them.  This could (COULD) be a good thing.  A save the world from big brother thing.


Next thing that comes to mind, is what's in it for me?  (hey, at least I am honest!)  How would this tool help my development team?  I am not sure it really would.  How can I tell it during set up about the innovative things we do around here?  By the time I'd get it all set up, it would be outdated.  So it seems for this team it would hold no value.  There would be an endless cycle of setup and corrections as we moved forward.  Spend that resource on coding instead, much better answer.


But for other places I guess it could set a dangerous precedent if not used well.  But how could you use it and not cross that mythical line?  Maybe in a prison?  Or public school?  (my son would tell you they are one in the same).  I could see a teacher using this tool to help isolate students that need more help but are afraid to ask.


I guess my point is, Is this a can of worms you really want to open Microsoft?

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