Do your user group members blog about your group?

I was thinking today about user groups, specifically INETA groups, since they are near and dear to my heart.  I have been to a gazillion meetings, my group, groups close to me, groups far far away from me.  Not once do I recall anyone suggesting their own member blog about the group.


We get most of our growth from referrals.  There are businesses based on teaching us how to grow a referral based business.  Why don't we ask our members to be proactive in our groups' growth?  Who better to bring more people? 


As our groups grow, all members can benefit.  We get a much bigger pool of brain power and can learn so much from each other, and this is one of the primary reasons for user groups.


A challenge- ask your members to blog about meetings.  Before they happen.  A report after it's over.  Get the word out.

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