Compass on Business article

For the last few years I have been participating in economic forecasting surveys through the Business Leaders Confidence Index.  The same group publishes Compass on Business magazine (click here ).

A few months ago I was contacted and asked to be interviewed for an upcoming article.  I figured, sure, why not, painless.  Right?


Well, it was painless.  And this interview has now been published.  You can find it here.  


Pretty cool if you ask me.

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crm error when offline

Dec 29
So, I installed CRM 4.0 yesterday. I've been working with it for a long time, but yesterday I installed the released version on laptop and desktop. I did my initial offline sync on my laptop. With me so far? Sounds...
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"The BIG Event"

Jan 3
This came across my email twice today (thanks Tim and Joe). I have been hearing about it for a while now, but it looks like crunch time and time to register. It should be a great event, down and dirty...


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