PIA CRM 4.0 issue

Don't get me wrong, the new CRM from Microsoft is great.  However, not perfect.

Today I needed to remove formatting from an integer on display.  I have an custom attribute on a custom entity, an order number.  Let's say order number is 123456.  We all know this is not an out of the ordinary thing, an order number that would not need/want a comma.  If I want to use it as an integer, it adds a comma.  I can't remove the comma.  So my order number is now 123,456.  Ugh.  THAT'S NOT RIGHT.  Since this comma isn't in the database, one would think you could remove it on display.  Right?  Wrong.

This comma is actually a big deal to this particular iteration fo CRM customizations.  Thinking caps on.

The solution for today was to add a new custom attribute, that is text, so as to not have the darn comma.  Then to ditch the original, integer one.  Now, re-import the data.  Forget about using numbers for anything.  Oh and then there's the code changes to the other cool stuff we've been doing that reference that number (that can't remain a number, talk about identity issues, geesh!).

Suggestion successfully submitted to CRM team.  (thankyouverymuch Dave)

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