crm error when offline

So, I installed CRM 4.0 yesterday.  I've been working with it for a long time, but yesterday I installed the released version on laptop and desktop.

I did my initial offline sync on my laptop.

With me so far?  Sounds pretty boring?

So, I neglected to go back online when the sync finished.  No biggie until I tried to reply to an email that was tracked to a case of another user on my network.  I got this message:


It would seem that the default setting for downloading content for offlien neglect several things most users would want.  So to solve this problem, go here, it's on the top menu within Outlook:


Select Modify Local Data Groups.  It wlaks you right thru it.  Go slow and pay attention, first one is a bit rough but once you understnad how to do it once, rest is easy.

One more thing, if your dropdown does not look like mine here, you're probably offline, go online again, then try this.

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