Totally personal proud mom blog post

Yesterday I attended the quarterfinals for the state marching band competition. Our son is in the band and it was the first time in school history that they even made it to state competition.  Way to go Drew!  Way to go Pine Creek.

First video here for you.  Program was too long for a single entry at YouTube.  Links for the others here....and here....

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Developer tools for schools from Microsoft- CHEAP

Oct 18
So, I have been on a bit of a crusade these days. I work with both my kids' schools helping with technology. We talk software, hardware, curriculum, etc. I have thought for the longest time thought that they must be...
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now that's a software crash!

Oct 26
So, today, minding my own business while trying to master Master Documents in Word 2007 (I do NOT reccomend this for anyone, not even the strong shall survive), Word crashes. Ok, I am using a book that does actually warn...


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