now that's a software crash!
So, today, minding my own business while trying to master Master Documents in Word 2007 (I do NOT reccomend this for anyone, not even the strong shall survive), Word crashes. Ok, I am using a book that does actually warn me of the dangers of workign with master documents. I somewhat expected a crash. The crash I expected was locking up, closing unexpectedly, that kind of crash. You know the ones we see almost daily.
I was not so lucky. When I crashed, I went down hard. HARD. My hours (like more than three hours) of work, gone. Combining 27 documents into one and attempting to have all styles match and consecutive page numbering does not sound like a difficult task. I went from somewhere around 135 pages to 4. With no undo available. My last saved version was now this 4 page mess.
So, I made the decsion....ADOBE it is. I was going to use the combine files feature to make one honkin big document. I open Acrobat. I click a few buttons. I crash Acrobat. I get a message that tells me it crashed AND I must now UNINSTALL it. Period. No more explainaiton. No other option offered. Wow, I had never crashed software so hard that I had to uninstall it. And I crash software for a living. So, you know me, if at first you don't succeed, try try again. So, same steps, same results, imagine THAT?!?!
so, uninstalled Acrobat Pro. Am now downloading it again. I am sucking the bandwidth at the office and will be re-installing.