Had a phone call yesterday with a potential new client.  They need some help with testing, quality control and in general just breaking their software created by their in-house developers.  They are also in an industry that I know pretty well, so I am already fairly familar with the industry specific aspects of their work.

I am giddy.  I can't wait to get my hands on their work and go thru it and learn it and work with them.

How sad is that, I am grinning and this excited about SOFTWARE?

Should I form "nerds anonymous"?  Who would join?


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Blogging contest- let the games begin

Aug 20
Some of my co-workers and I are trying to motivate each other to blog more. So, today, we agreed to hold each other accountable. Each week, the person who had the most blog posts the previous week will be served...
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The woe is me real estate world

Sep 13
Oh my, have any of us heard a single GOOD thing about our real estate market???? I didn't think so. Me neither. I have a mission, go find GOOD real estate news. I must. I'll be back and report on...


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