Economics according to Julie

The fed lowered the rate this week.  Not only did they lower the rate, they lowered it a full half-percent!  I couldn't disagree with this more!!!

Low interest rates are the problem!!  Hello?  McFly are you in there?

People are borrowing like crazy cause the rates are so low!  People are not paying their notes. Banks are losing money.  If the fed had raised the rate then fewer people would borrow money and fewer people would be winding up in foreclosure.  We need a level set term where people don't do a whole lot of anything.

End of rant, back to your regularly scheduled blog.

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More good news in the housing market

Sep 18
sorta...a stay-at-home mom discovered some major mortgage fraud going on...CNN calls her a hero, way to go mom!!! story here J
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Zillow, wow more funding!!!

Sep 20
hmmmmm, what could I do with $87,000,000?!??!?! That would be a lot of, wait, not me personally, my company, what could we do with $87,000,000???? I would imagine we could do pretty much what Zillow is doing and more....


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