New site-

Almost a year in the making, is coming out and all are invited!

NiceDiggs is a residential real estate site that we've developed based on the sharing of information among many sources with a same common goal.  SELL A HOUSE.  We are almost daily working on more partnerships and beefing up our content while playing nice- no scraping here!

Go have a look, tell me what you think.  Be honest, I can take it, because I am quite proud of what we did!

Previous Post

Well, I feel like a slacker

Jul 29
I could easily give you a laundry list of reasons why I haven't been blogging- let me know if you'd like that list- but I will spare any of you that happen to be reading. That said, I'm going to...
Next Post

Blogging contest- let the games begin

Aug 20
Some of my co-workers and I are trying to motivate each other to blog more. So, today, we agreed to hold each other accountable. Each week, the person who had the most blog posts the previous week will be served...



I guess is dead?

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