
Just a nice thank you to my dad- he died last week.  He chose to be my dad- adopted me and my sisters when we were little.  He was great and will be missed.  I am glad my kids had the chance to know him.

Love you dad!


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Browser compatability Woes

Mar 21
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Manny Hernandez

I was sorry to read about the passing of your dad. Did he die of diabetes-related complications? I read your comment in Scott Hanselman's blog which is why I ask.

I lost my dad in early 2005 to cancer, but he was also diabetic.

If you have any other people in your life touched by diabetes, have them come to -they will find hundreds of great people with whom to share their stories and learn more on how to take good care of themselves as they live with diabetes.

Take care,

Julie Yack

Thanks for your kind words. I actually had 2 dads- the one that "made" me and the one that "raised" me.

Dad #1 was diabetic. He wound up in a nursing home because he had so many complications from living a hard and fast life while ignoring his diabetes. He died in the nursing home- he choked. So, while diabetes certainly contributed to his life and the end, it was not directly related to diabetes. He died over 10 years ago.

Dad #2, dad that raised me, is the one that died this year. He actually had many health issues that started with an artery by-pass at the age of 32. He had a massive heart attack in February of this year and never recovered. I had a few wonderful visits with him his last few months. We had a chance to have the talk that we all wished we could before someone dies. That was an awesome blessing.

I will be sure to pass out your link when the subject comes up.

Thanks again for your kind words.


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