Browser compatability Woes

My apologies- this will sound like whining, because that is what I am doing.

It has been said that Microsoft's worst competition is itself.  That is so very true.  And it is easy to see it right now.  IE6 vs IE7.  Don't get me wrong, IE7 is a great new tool.  But now the time needed both in new developments and grandfathering prior versions is rather time consuming, 

And you never know when a browser compatibility issue will sneak up on you. 

Some are more annoying than anything- there might be less space between columns on a page.  No big deal.  Then there are the baffling ones- the case of the disappearing CLOSE buttons of float panels.  Who woulda thunk that one?

There are so many people that are just as happy as can be with IE6 and have no plans to upgrade.  There are the hold-outs that think Microsoft is the root of all evil and they refuse to support them (whole n'other post there!).  And fortunately there are those that eagerly anticipate the new cool features and grab it as soon as the first beta becomes available.   From a development perspective, it just proves a bit more challenging to make all these groups happy at the same time.

Don't get me started on Firefox.

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Launch Event UPDATE

Mar 21
So, we are all set for registration here. It's looking to be a great evening!
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Apr 11
Just a nice thank you to my dad- he died last week. He chose to be my dad- adopted me and my sisters when we were little. He was great and will be missed. I am glad my kids had...


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